Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Ask Alice

by Pete Holly

The liberty's takin' by publishing company's,Film Studio's,and revisonist authors,
including screenplay writers have never in the entire history of the entertainment industry taken the kind of liberties and the degree to which they have takin' them as has been the treatment of Lewis Carrol's two storys'-"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and
"Through the Looking Glass".From Walt Disney's compending of the two story's into
one and calling it "Alice in Wonderland" to Tim Burton following suite with his up
coming release of the same name.When you combine the two stories everything
that was great about the stories when they were published as two completly separate
stories-is completely lost.Every great part of the individual stories is either omitted
completely or told is such a way that the author never intended and indeed make's
absolutly no sense.How do i know this ? You might ask.I know it from studying
Carrol's life intensly and also from studying the two seperate storys very intensly
for a very long period of time.Other than "Alice" being in both stories and both
stories being written by Carrol-they haven't anything in common.One involve's
falling down a rabbit hole{a Black hole} and the other is a playable chess game
which actually make's perfect sense when each chess piece is moved as the story
reveals the move's-and what do you know-Carrol fit a perfectly played chess game
into a story which most people don't even realize is a chess game.It's to Carrol's
credit as quite an astute mathmatician -that he was able to pull the wool over
everyone's eye's for such a long period of time.
Since a compedium of the two stories is such a butchery of Carrols intensly,
well thought out literature-to the extent that people think of it only as a clever
non-sense fairy tale for children-i can only repeat what i have stated before.
The two story's that Carrol wrote for the real Alice-upon her request-and that of
her two younger sisters-was never meant for mass consuption for children.The
only children who would have understood the way in which carrol made fun of
well know writers,philosophers and politicians would be the Liddel sister.These
were not ordinary children.Thier father held one of the highest posts at Oxford-
and so the Liddel sisters had Genuis IQ's even as small children.They understood
every mockery of an Oxford know-it all and reconized all the places that are
reffered to in code-and that carrol poked fun at.Children didn't buy the books-
intelligent adults did.They may have read some parts of it to thier children-but
the most fun to be had in the story's was recieved by adult's who knew only
to well the Oxford assholes that Carrol made a mockery of.The books then were
more of a scathing inditment of Oxford's and other English gentlemens pompous
Acting out and hypocripsy,especially Politicians.
That even the victums of Carrols poisen pen didn't recognize themselves-only
made the story's even more funny to Carrol and the Liddel sisters;as well as a few
wise adults.
In sumation-The two books Lewis Carrol wrote for the Liddel Sisters should
never be mixed together.Doing this ruins the genuis of both story's.



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