Sunday, January 24, 2010



Art and Music serve a vital role inthe human brains development,operation,
and to govern the more primative destuctive instincts-located in an a area of the
brain where the earlist human programing for the brain resides.It's the same area
of the brain that set's off alarms when certain words are spoken that are taboo-
shit-fuck-cunt-mother fucker-still rattle are brains alarm bells as the program that interprets these words connects the dots to the taboo alarm.Despite thier
offensive nature to most people-every language-without exception-has the equivalent of these taboo words and the reaction is the same in every culture.
These words are deeply embedded in our phyche of the taboo.
This is part of the 20% estimated knowledge we possess of are world,our
universe and our minds.That leaves 4 fifths of of everything-our minds-our world
-the universe in it's entirety stil completly unknow as far as what the true nature of it is.and just what it comprises and functions as.In other words-
in spite of 200 year of unparralelled discovery in every area of science,philosophy,the arts and logic-we still have a very long way to go,indeed.
And the truth is-the fact-what we know is relativly very little-and yet most
people-if you asked them-would announce with all the confidence in the world
that we know a large ammount about the "Mystery of the Mysteries".The facts
are-We Do Not.
In Lewis Carrols "Alices Adventures Underground" Alice ponder's the
question-"What if i were to keep on shrinking forever".Would i disappear
completely or would i stop at the smallist size i could become.Sound Familiar.
This is the same question many physics experts grapple with today.150 year's
before the big bang theory was introduced and eventually became more or less
accepted as the most likely scenerio as to the begining of our Universe;Carrol
introduced the basic idea's of the big bang theory in his seemingly innocent little fairy tale.Amazing ,yes,but true.
Supose,just for example,that instead of expanding,which we are sure is the case,the "Universe" suddenly started to condense or shrink.At that point,
Alice's question would become extremly relavent for us to know the final outcome of our Universe.Would the most extreme shrinking of the Universe make it a non-entity-because it's so small we can't detect it even with the most up to date technology-or would it stop just at the smallest size it could shrink to and still have the ability of humans to detect it in some fashion.
Because of Einstien we know that space time is a varilable.His theory's
of light and space becoming curved under certain conditions,opened up a whole new book of rules of physics that the Universe must allways obey.
But even thou the "Big Bang" theory look's good on paper-Einstien refused
to give it any consideration.There was a time when another scientist stumbled
upon the theory of relativiy before Einstien and he saw that the math backed up the theory 100%.But he believed that if the theory of relativity were true all
of Newton's work would be religated to the dustbin's of history and he just couldn't stand to do that to a man he admired so much-so he never went public
with mathmatic proof that the universe is governed by relativity.
Einstien saw things differantly.Instead of nullifying all of newtons postulates he saw relativity as an extention of what newton had discovered-
even thou it did prove that many of newtons ideas were wrong about the true nature of the universe-it also proved that some of them were correct.Even Newton himself knew that there was a great deal of activity in the universe that
his ideas couldn't account for.He had no explanation for them and just considered them anomalies and that the vast majority of the universe did work
as the principles of his physics described.Unfortunatly,that has turned out not
to be the case.The futher we travel out into space ,the more tests we conduct,
and the more studies that have been made in the realm of physics point directly to einstiens relativity theory as being most like what we observe in space and what scientists have discoved in the wake of Relativity -in expieriments and in
mathmatics.If there is anything in Einstiens thoughts which the world of
physics diagree's with-it was he refusal to even consider "The Big Bang Theory"
as a possible description of how the universe began.But even thought the majority of people in the world of physics have come to believe it to be the most
likely scenario-it doesn't nessassary follow that "The Big Bang Theory" is the
absolute correct theory.You never know-some day a discovery could be made
that give's creedance to Einstien's doubt of the big bang.If that were to happen
-just imagine an Einstien with one more incredible insight into the nature of the
Universe-It certainly would boogle the mind.
Einstien's theory of relativity which states that light,energy, and matter
excert forces on our Universe that make light bend and change the speed of time were proved to be true when during a solar eclipse.As a scientific photographer watched a full solar eclipse and photographed it the photo's
showed that stars which would have been behind the sun could be seen
clearly just on the lip of the corona.The only way this would be possible is
if Einstiens theory of relativity was exactly correct in predicting the bending of
spacetime given a large enough distance to be measurable.
Thou Einstien is most famous for E=MC2 he actually won the nobel
prize for his theory of the photo-electric effect-but that's another story.

written by Pete Holly-2010-copyright-all rights reserved

(to be continued}

written by pete holly-2010-copyright-all rights reserved



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